BP oil spill stopped. Compare with Bhopal disaster. Read an article in the news paper. The author of the article questioned as to why there is no action for getting the proper compensation, clearing the factory in Bhopal. As correctly pointed out in this article, the exact damage to the environment, loss of business to the people near the sea is yet to be assessed in the oil spill. There is no loss of life reported. But the US Govt. made BP to commit $20 billions. Compare it with Bhopal Tragedy. Loss of life huge, after effects still continue to haunt the survivors, the factory still stands as a testimony to the tragedy. But the compensation got was peanuts that too after so many years. Who is to be blamed? <a href="http://s13.sitemeter.com/stats.asp?site=s13svas1949" target="_top"> <img src="http://s13.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s13svas1949" alt="Site Meter" border="0"/...