Hear or see this four letter word.  Immediately your mind goes to two people, a man and a woman.  It just smack of the real meaning of love.  Love, we can call it a deep affection, is universal.  Mother ‘s affection to her children is the best example for Love.  Love can be between persons of same sex, don’t jump, it is friends, father and son, mother and daughter, you and neighbor and it goes on.  Why, love can be with animals, which makes them pets in one’s home.

Is that all that means Love? Nothing more than that? More into its meaning, more  you get to it. Just search in Google for “meaning of Love,” there are hundred sites which speaks on love. The following are on love:

 “Love is selfless. It gives without expectation, like the light that flows outward from the sun. It shines brightest in darkness. God is love.”

“Everything in this world is created on the basis of love.”

“Love must be as much as light, as it is a flame.”
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.”

I choose this as deeper affection can be said to be the best form of Love. All religions profess Love and denounce Hatred. Love is a form of expresses ion among human beings for betterment of life.  Even with animals, show your love to a pet, it becomes your friend and goes with you all the time. Open up your loving nature and automatically is loved.


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